R Kelly grew up from a poor, broken home where he was abused by multiple female family members and experienced extensive trauma before dropping out of high school. Music was a high point in his life and helped him sky-rocket to fame - bringing R&B music to mainstream audiences. Rumours soon began to swirl about his behavior towards underage girls...

MOVE is not an acronym; MOVE is a way of life. Beginning in the 1970's, an organization begins to rise up in Philadelphia, PA - described as a unique blend of flower power and black liberationists. The group lives in a commune style house that raises eyebrows in their neighborhood. As they fight against police brutality and oppression of the...

The history of Canada's Indian Residential Schools and their legacy seen through the eyes of a survivor and her daughter.

An intimate portrait of legendary NHL tough guy Bob Probert told through exclusive interviews with his family, friends, teammates and rivals, featuring game footage, news reports, and never before seen home movies. Featuring Bob Probert, Dani Probert, Don Cherry, Chris Chelios.

Dave Alderson - Calgary, AB - Okotoks, AB
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